Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for your interest in Denver Santa Claus Shop!

For 92 years we have served the Denver community by offering free toys to qualified residents each holiday season. We serve children ages newborn to 11 years old.

General Information

Are the toys free?

Yes. Each shopper will receive one 100-point coupon for each child, aged 11 or under,  to “spend” on toys, dolls, games, etc. of their choosing.

What ages do you serve?

 0 – 11 years old.

Where is the shop located?

The Shop location may change each year but will always be in the Denver Metro area. Please check our website at or our Facebook page around mid-November for the Shop location each year.

What are the shop dates and hours? 

The Shop dates change each year, but it is typically the second week of December on a Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Please check our website at or our Facebook page for exact dates each year. 

The Shop will open at 10 a.m. and no new shoppers will be allowed in after 3 p.m each Shop day.

Registration/Qualification Information


  • Be a Denver resident
  • Have one child or more, 11 years or younger
  • Receive services from Denver Human Services or a Community Partner

Who is qualified to receive toys?

If you are a Denver resident and receiving assistance from Denver Human Services, your children ages 0 – 11 are automatically qualified for this year’s toy distribution. If you are not receiving services from DHS, you need to be registered with and receiving assistance from some type of social service agency or community partner.

Do I need a recommendation or referral letter – for example, a food stamp office or a doctor?

If you are receiving any type of services from DHS you do not need a referral. If you are not receiving services from DHS, you need to be a Denver resident and be registered with and receiving assistance from some type of social service agency or community partner (some examples are listed on our website here.

I receive food stamps and daycare assistance from DHS but no other services, so I don’t have a caseworker. Can I still register my children?

Yes. If you are receiving any type of assistance from Denver Human Services your children are automatically qualified to receive toys.

Please visit our website at to pre-register.

How do I register my children to receive toys?

If you are a qualified Denver resident and have children ages 0-11, you may pre-register for the toy distribution by going to and clicking on the “Registration” button. Registration typically opens mid-November.

When does registration open?

Registration typically opens mid-November. Please check our website at or our Facebook page for timing information.

I’m not a Denver resident. Can I still register?

Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we can only accept Denver residents at this time. If you are receiving assistance from a county other than Denver, please check with that county as to the services that might be available to you.

Shop Details


  • Your photo I.D.
  • The QR code you received via email
  • Proof of your child’s/children’s ages (like a birth certificate, school form, medical form, etc.)

What do I need to bring with me to the Shop?

You will need to bring your photo ID, your QR Code from registration, and your child’s/children’s birth certificates or copies of them (or some other proof of children’s ages) when you come to the Shop.

What if I don’t have my child’s birth certificate?

If you cannot bring copies of your children’s birth certificates, other forms of proof of age will be accepted, such as notification of birth, school ID, or even school report cards.

What if I can’t make it to the Shop? Can somebody else pick up toys for my children?

No. Only parents or primary caregivers can pick up toys for their children.

Can I pick up gifts for someone else’s children?

No. Only parents or primary caregivers can pick up toys for their children.

Do you deliver toys?

No. Unfortunately our insurance will not allow us to deliver toys.

I registered but now I have a conflict. Can I come at a different time?

Yes. You are welcome to come during any Shop hours.

Does my child need to be with me?

No. Your child does not need to be present.

Where do I find my QR code?

Please check your registration email for your QR code and other important information.

I missed the day and time I registered for. Can I still come or reschedule?

Yes. You may come to the Shop during Shop hours.

My child has special needs but is over the age limit. Can they get presents?

Please contact to make arrangements.